I test psicologici e il loro linguaggio: Glossario inglese-italiano
Garavana, Susanna
Marinucci, Marcello
The fundamental function of psychological tests is to measure differences between individuals, or between the reactions of the same individual under different conditions. Following the great spread that they have had over the last fifty years, today they are employed in the most disparate leaders; in schools, for example, they are used to classify students in relation to their learning abilities, to identify mentally retarded or otherwise well-equipped children, for candidate selection and for school and professional orientation.
Their use also allows for the study of very different problems, such as the problems that affect the individual with age, the effects of education, the influence of propaganda, the effects of distraction on the execution of a task, etc.
In this paper we have tried to analyze the psychological tests as true scientific instruments with their own characteristics that make accurate observation and allow us to codify the results in a meaningful, verifiable and transmissible way.
Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori
Susanna Garavana, (a cura di Marinucci, Marcello), "I test psicologici e il loro linguaggio: Glossario inglese-italiano", Trieste, Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, 1992, pp. III, 162.