Analisi di alcuni statuti sociali di S.p.A. e Articles of Association di P.L.C.: lessico, morfosintassi e testualità
Miotto, Valentina
This paper deals with the analysis of some “statuti sociali” of Italian “società per azioni”,
on the one hand, and, on the other, some Articles of Association of British Public Limited
Companies. First, the main similarities and differences between documents originally
written in Italian and in English are described with special reference to some lexical, syntactic
and textual elements. Then the English translations of Italian texts are analysed
and compared with native English texts in order to provide translators with both theoretical
knowledge and some practical information which could be useful when translating
this kind of legal documents. This intralinguistic analysis concentrates on some aspects
of particular interest from a translation point of view, such as sentence structure, subordination,
nominal and verbal style, use of modal verbs, lexical repetition and anaphoric
reference, as well as some other lexical aspects. The preliminary results seem to confirm
both Toury’s law of interference and Baker’s translation universals of simplification and
Analisi di alcuni statuti
sociali di S.p.A. e Articles of
Association di P.L.C.: lessico,
morfosintassi e testualità1
Valentina Miotto
Università di Trieste
Analisi di alcuni statuti sociali di S.p.A.
Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione = International Journal of Translation
12 (2010)
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Valentina Miotto, "Analisi di alcuni statuti sociali di S.p.A. e Articles of Association di P.L.C.: lessico, morfosintassi e testualità", in: Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione = International Journal of Translation, 12 (2010), pp. 205-214.