Lieux pluriels de l’identité ou lieux d’une identité plurielle? La réécriture de l’espace comme entre-deux socioculturel dans les romans de Vénus Khoury-Ghata et de Malika Mokeddem
Tumia, Francesca
The following essay consists of a comparative study of a selection of novels
by francophone writers Vénus Khoury-Ghata and Malika Mokeddem.
It is based on the way the space context is rendered in literary modes,
aiming at producing a cultural paradox that puts the two authors into a
socio-cultural entre-deux. The need of expressing themselves through
images that are different from the assimilated culture stands out through
the centrality of the native landscape, that has an active role. The rewritten
space becomes a chronologically connoted place where identity is
sought, sometimes marked by ambivalent characteristics.
Prospero. Rivista di letterature e culture straniere
XVII (2012)
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Francesca Tumia, "Lieux pluriels de l’identité ou lieux d’une identité plurielle? La réécriture de l’espace comme entre-deux socioculturel dans les romans de Vénus Khoury-Ghata et de Malika Mokeddem", in: Prospero. Rivista di Letterature e Culture straniere, XVII (2012), pp. 109-129.