Componenti di costo del trasporto marittimo containerizzato. Un approccio modellistico
Gattuso, Domenico
Musolino, Giuseppe
In the last years the containerized maritime freight transport has significantly increased. The phenomenon had also interested Italy, through dominant roles assumed by Gioia Tauro and Genova harbours, but also through the revival of many other harbours. A rearrangement of the international system is in progress and seems to assign to national and Mediterranean portuality new opportunities of development. In this paper the attention is addressed to the analysis of the maritime transport costs faced by a transport operator (shipowner, charterer, liner). The transportation of containerized freights depends on the generalized cost, which results from the sum of monetary costs, taxes, travel times, waiting and intermodal exchange times, guarantees in terms of respect of the scheduled programs and service reliability. The model calibration presented is based upon data referred to single ships, which carry out a feeder service in the Mediterranean basin. They have been opportunely organized and elaborated in order to define the structure of a complete model, which can be an useful tool for scenario evaluations.
European Transport \ Trasporti Europei
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Domenico Gattuso, Giuseppe Musolino (1998) Componenti di costo del trasporto marittimo containerizzato. Un approccio modellistico , European Transport \ Trasporti Europei, 8-9, pp. 73-83