01. Culture europee e tradizione latina. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Cividale del Friuli, 16-17 novembre 2001


Polymnia. Collana di Scienze dell’Antichità.
Studi di filologia classica. 1

Gli studi delle civiltà greca e romana non sono un’esigenza principale del mondo d’oggi. Da tempo le energie produttive della ricerca e gli interessi sociali s’impegnano a precorrere il futuro, o a giustificare il presente, più che a ripensare il passato. La volontà di studiare segni antichi, di trovarvi significati, di confermare o criticare valori ricevuti è sospetta o screditata del tutto.
Gli interventi contenuti nel volume riguardano non solo i campi letterario e storico e filologico-tecnico ma anche l’individuazione della presenza dell’antico nella storia culturale e politica delle nazioni dell’Europa orientale.

Curatori: Laura Casarsa, Lucio Cristante, Marco Fernandelli

ISBN 88-8303-111-3


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 9
  • Publication
    La strategia del ragno, ovvero la rivincita di Aracne. Fortuna tardo-antica (Sidonia Apollinare, Claudiano) di un mito ovidiano
    Long before modern literature and art, the myth of Aracne developed in Ovid a metaphoric meaning. To the culture of late antiquity, well accomplished with the poetic techniques of allusion and metaphoric elaboration, mythical contents were still of paramount interest. Ovid's narrative of Aracne was both the subtext of an epithalamium by Sidonius Apollinare (carmen 15), in which the girl is afresh a 'figure' of the poet himself, and of a passage in Claudian’s De raptu Proserpinae.
      2289  2965
  • Publication
    Novità nel campo della critica congetturale (ed esempi di restauro a testi di prosa latina)
    A sort of 'auto-amendable' of the late ancient scribes would cause a significant amount of textual errors, due to the fall of that use or to the misunderstanding of later copyists. This 'discovery' can solve many textual failures, often tackled ope ingenii, according to «a mechanical process of adjustment». The essay analyses four exempla: Sall. Iug. 95, 3; Tac. Ann. 15, 53, 2; Apul. Socr. 16, 155; Lact. mort. pers. 3, 5.
      1937  1773
  • Publication
    La survie de la tradition historiographique classique et la reception D'Antonio Bonfini dans l'historiographie latino-hongroise au dix-septiéme siécle
    Although some previous, Antonio Bonfini was the founder of modern Hungarian history. The essay explores the sources of Bonfini, his historiographic method, style, but also the political reasons that underlie the commissioning of the work. The subsequent history of Hungary, from Jean Nadányi and until the seventeenth century was very influenced by the Italian humanist, even in very different ways.
      1233  979
  • Publication
    La storiografia letteraria: il paradigma della letteratura latina
    The classification of ancient authors, according to the different methods, covers the entire history of Western culture. Already in ancient times, the canons of 'classic' writers or works as Cicero’s Brutus are an attempt at understanding and passing on the authors of the past. The essay also covers the criteria of selection and periodization within the field of Roman literature, which have followed on from the Middle Ages to our times, through key figures such as Poliziano, Fabricius, Wolf.
      1887  4110
  • Publication
    Ariadne l'attrice
    The myth of Ariadne runs along the western thought and art, starting from a primitive past. Catullus, in poem 64, proposed a refined and original reconstruction of the myth, and Ovid in the Heroides, began by highlighting the potential languid tone, as did later authors in Renaissance and Baroque. Hofmannsthal, in the Ariadne auf Naxos, gave force to the myth, with a drama of great originality which occurs in the aesthetic and existential values in which he believed.
      1157  2026
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