02. Incontri triestini di filologia classica (2002-2003)


Il volume n. 2 contiene anche gli Atti della Tavola rotonda Contaminare. Un problema filologico-letterario? (Trieste, 7 aprile 2003)


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 13
  • Publication
    Virgilio e l’esperienza tragica. Pensieri fuori moda sul libro IV dell’Eneide
    The new ‘sentimental’ character of Virgil’s epic poetry is manifest in a special way in the fourth book of the Aeneid. The reader is implicated by the events so that they acquire for him a 'tragic' value which transcends their needs within the epic narration. The fourth book, moreover, is endowed with a certain autonomy within the story, being strongly oriented towards a tragic climax in which the correlation between sentimental characters, author and reader is at its strongest. This mingling of energies ensures the individual 'plasticity' of the Virgilian text, a text which in itself is clear and active, and requires a 'mimetic' reading rather than a coldly intellectual one, as stated in part of the modern scholarship on this subject.
      2286  8945
  • Publication
    Tua, Maecenas, haud mollia iussa. Materiali e appunti per la storia di un topos proemiale
    The paper takes a stand on the famous Virgilian expression haud mollia iussa, Virg. Geor. 3, 41. Many scholars and readers, even in recent times, understand the meaning of iussa in this passage to correspond to 'call' rather than 'order'. But after comparing this passage with other occurrences of the term in Virgil, and after a reconnaissance of loci similes in other authors, the canonical meaning of the word appears to be confirmed. The 'orders' of Maecenas, however, are more closely approximated by the orders with which the divine Musa urges the poet, rather than a simple 'human' order.
      7533  6442
  • Publication
    Contaminare nel lessico intellettuale latino
    The word contaminare and its derivatives seem to allude to concepts such as 'downgrading' and 'corruption', as demonstrated, among others, by Pietro Ferrarino. This is true even when the context in which the term is present concerns the intellectual and literary sphere. Even when taking into consideration the meaning of the term in relation to the activity of Terence, where contaminare may refer to various types of intervention on the patterns, it is always a form of failure, a 'desecration' of the Greek models.
      1635  3153
  • Publication
    Gioco di specchi (tra Lucilio e Persio)
    This paper seeks to reconstruct and interpret certain passages of Lucilius and Persius, ultimately allowing them to shed light on one another. In the context of the polemic against the abuses of the tragic poets, a series of fragments of Lucilius corresponds to the Persius’ famous attack against the same target in his first satire (vv. 69 ff.). If the exchanges between author and ‘enemy’ are restored in a manner which differs from the canonical one, this texts allows us to retrieve the position of Lucilius, explained by these fragments which until now were located in his twenty-fourth book.
      2015  4166
  • Publication
    Marino Barchiesi e l’“elemento plautino”
    In the studies of Marino Barchiesi, comic theater remained a stable point of reference. At the heart of comedy lies the word, with its sheer expressive power; Barchiesi’s sensitivity towards linguistic invention, especially in Plautus, had an crucial foundation in the philological tradition which he inherited from Ferrarino. To the image of the seruus poet, the absolute protagonist of comedy, the creator of wonderful words but also of metatheatrical speeches, Barchiesi devoted himself until the end of his life.
      1771  2463
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