Publication: La didattica speleologica nel Veneto
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Gasparetto, Paolo
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EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
La didattica speleologica in Veneto si è sviluppata seguendo
le linee guida determinate dalla Federazione Speleologica
Veneta fin dal suo atto costitutivo. Con il concorso dei
finanziamenti determinati dalla Legge Regionale n. 54/80 si
è evoluta in forma sempre più importante raggiungendo un
numero di utenti considerevole. Il numero delle uscite totali,
proiezioni, accompagnamenti di scuole e di varie altre
organizzazioni ha raggiunto quote impensabili solo fino a
qualche decennio fa sviluppandosi con diverse motivazioni
in linee didattiche diversificate che presuppongono anche
approcci tecnologici non banali (esempio la produzione
documentaristica in 3D sviluppata dalla commissione
fotografica FSV). Un grande impulso a questa attività, oltre
che dalla determinazione dei singoli e dei gruppi speleologici,
è stato dato dall’ideazione e costruzione di numerose
strutture fisse quali i laboratori di biospeleologia, il museo,
le grotte attrezzate.
Questo scritto elaborato dai testi e dalla traccia della presentazione
in Ppt è un sunto del perché, come, quando e
quanto è stato fatto e quanto dovrà essere fatto per sviluppare
sempre più un argomento di primaria importanza per
la Speleologia nel suo insieme.
Speleological education in the region of Veneto has been developed following guidelines determined by the Veneto Speleological Federation since its constitutive act. With the help of funding provided by the Regional Law No. 54/80, it has become increasingly more important, reaching a considerable number of users. The amount of total expenditure, projections, and accompaniments of schools and various other organizations has reached a level that was unimaginable until a few decades ago, which has been developed for different reasons along diversified educational lines using non-trivial technological approaches (e.g. documentary productions in 3D developed by the FSV photographic commission). A great impetus was given to this activity, as well as from the determination of individuals and caving groups, by the conception and construction of many permanent facilities such as bio-speleological laboratories, a museum and equipped caves. This work, which has been prepared from the texts of the ppt. presentation, is a summary of why, how, when and how much has been done, and how much still has to be done in order to develop this topic that is of primary importance to caving as a whole.
Speleological education in the region of Veneto has been developed following guidelines determined by the Veneto Speleological Federation since its constitutive act. With the help of funding provided by the Regional Law No. 54/80, it has become increasingly more important, reaching a considerable number of users. The amount of total expenditure, projections, and accompaniments of schools and various other organizations has reached a level that was unimaginable until a few decades ago, which has been developed for different reasons along diversified educational lines using non-trivial technological approaches (e.g. documentary productions in 3D developed by the FSV photographic commission). A great impetus was given to this activity, as well as from the determination of individuals and caving groups, by the conception and construction of many permanent facilities such as bio-speleological laboratories, a museum and equipped caves. This work, which has been prepared from the texts of the ppt. presentation, is a summary of why, how, when and how much has been done, and how much still has to be done in order to develop this topic that is of primary importance to caving as a whole.
Speleologia, Didattica, Comunicazione, Veneto, Laboratori, Musei, Speleology, Education, Communication, Veneto, Laboratories, Museums
Paolo Gasparetto, "La didattica speleologica nel Veneto" in: Franco Cucchi e Pino Guidi (a cura di), "Diffusione delle conoscenze: Atti del XXI Congresso Nazionale di Speleologia, Trieste, 2-5 giugno 2011", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013, pp. 137-143