Morfologie carsiche della Cirenaica (Nord-Est Libia)
Ruggieri, R.
Abdelmalik, M.
A campaign of investigations has started in 2007 aiming
at studying the karst morphologies of the Jabal Al Akhdar
(Green Mountains). Such a campaign is within a research
agreement stipulated between the Earth Sciences Department
of Garyounis University of Benghazi, Libya and
the HyIblean Speleo-hydrogeological Research Centre of
Ragusa, Italy. Among the objectives of the project there
are: that more general concerning the formulation of a
speleogenetic model consistent with the geodynamic evolution
and climate changes taken place in the tethyan-mediterranean
region from the end of the Cretaceous; those
with application fall-outs into the local socioeconomic
framework addressing the finding out and protection of
new water resources, the mapping of man altered areas,
potentially at risk of instability and / or sinking because of
the presence of karst voids, and the promotion and popularization
of the karst geomorphological heritage which
has the requirements to become a geopark enjoyed for
scientific and geoturistic ends.
Al Jabal Al Akhdar belt is located in the northeastern part
of Libya and it consists of a prominent promontory on the
southern edge of the Mediterranean coast. It is 350 km
long and 100 km wide. Tectonically, this belt is an inverted
basin and has been affected by the Tethyan tectonic
activities since its opening during the Jurassic. Lithologic
outcrops of Al Jabal Al Akhdar belt involve limited exposures
of upper-Cretaceous carbonates that constitute E-W
to ENE-WSW structural inliers emerged within extensive
exposures of Eocene, Oligocene and, sometimes, Miocene
limestones. The campaign of geospeleological investigations
carried out in the 2007, 2008 and 2009 years has concerned
the karst area of the coastal belt of Benghazi, Sousa
and the plateau of Al Marj, Al Bayda and Dernah. The study
of a series of large collapse dolines, connected with the
network of conduicts draining the ground water along the coast, was started in the area of Benghazi. Still in the same
area, the Lethe karst system with a large underground lake,
which was the subject of a tourist fruition during the Italian
colonial period, is of particular interest, even historic. In the
coastal area of Sousa a significant karst outcrop, surveyed
and documented, is the Brag Notta system constituted by
a collapse doline and a large neighbouring lake connected
hydrologically by a recent tectonic structure draining the
brackish ground. In raised areas of El Beida and El Marj
plateau a very interesting geomorphologic and hydrogeologic
study shows some big dolines and dip shafts, inserted
in the context of a typical cockpit relief, while in the plateau
of Dernah the exploration of a complex labyrinthine cave
has allowed also the discovery of paleontologic and archaeological
finds. Speleological explorations and geological
investigations of the above mentioned karst areas should
be continued in the future compatibly with the return to a
normal peaceful condition in the whole area of the Country.
Si espongono i primi risultati di una serie di campagne di
studi sulle morfologie carsiche del Jabal Al Akhdar (Montagne
Verdi), campagne iniziate nel 2007 e condotte dal
Centro Ibleo di Ricerche Speleo-Idrogeologiche di Ragusa
e dal Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Università
Garyounis di Bengasi. Sono brevemente illustrati la geologia
e la struttura dell’area carsica della piana di Bengasi,
dell’area carsica fra Ras Hilal e Derna, le aree carsiche di
El Marj e El Beida e la fascia costiera di Sousa e il plateau
di Cirene.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
R. Ruggieri, M. Abdelmalik, "Morfologie carsiche della Cirenaica (Nord-Est Libia, )" in: Franco Cucchi e Pino Guidi (a cura di), "Diffusione delle conoscenze: Atti del XXI Congresso Nazionale di Speleologia, Trieste, 2-5 giugno 2011", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013, pp. 445-460
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