The 2013 DIAnet International School, its aims and principles against the background of the sustainability challenges of the Danube River Basin
Winiwarter, Verena
Sustainable Development (SD) in the Danube River Basin needs an Interdisciplinary approach. Researchers must be able to identify, analyse and take into account the legacies of the past and the long history of human interactions with the environment in this densely inhabited region. This introductory contribution to DIANET 2013 maps the 7 pillars of the EU strategy for the Danube onto the ‘magic triangle’ of SD. Finding solutions requires understanding the present situation through the study of socio-natural sites. Such sites form by interaction of humans and the river system. Practices result in material arrangements which are created and kept in working condition by human actions. Benign or wicked, short- or longstanding legacies can be distinguished, their fate determines the potential for sustainable futures.
DIANET International School Proceedings 2013
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Verena Winiwarter, "The 2013 DIAnet International School, its aims and principles against the background of the sustainability challenges of the Danube River Basin" in: Stefano Brumat, Diana Frausin (eds.) "DIAnet International School Proceedings 2013. Interdisciplinary Methods for the Sustainable Development of the Danube Region. Gorizia, 13rd - 22nd April 2013", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013, pp. 19-41.