Workgroup A. BioBricks. The Fate and Effetct of Sewage Sludge-Based Bricks on Human Health and Water Resource Quality
Barna, Cristian Radu
Čjepa, Damir
Codromaz, Federica
Gajski, Goran
Kodnik, Danijela
Kopliku, Dema
Kulyk, Nataliya
The overall project goal is to prevent water pollution in the River Basin of the Danube’s stretch crossing
Croatia, Serbia and Hungary, coming from the use of sewage sludge-based bricks in house construction,
which despite representing a solution to the ever increasing problem of waste management and determining
a reduction of the clay needed for construction, may pose environmental and health dangers if not
properly used, due to leaching of toxic substances and heavy metals into the waters. The project aims at
creating a comprehensive database on SSBB environmental and health effects; developing a guideline for
SSBB manufacturers on standardised SSBB production, and increasing the awareness and knowledge of
manufacturers and consumers on possible negative effects and the proper handling/use of SSBBs.
DIANET International School Proceedings 2013
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Cristian Radu Barna, Damir Čjepa, Codromaz Federica, Goran Gajski, Danijela Kodnik, Dema Kopliku, Natalya Kulyk, "Workgroup A. BioBricks. The Fate and Effetct of Sewage Sludge-Based Bricks on Human Health and Water Resource Quality" in: Stefano Brumat, Diana Frausin (eds.) "DIAnet International School Proceedings 2013. Interdisciplinary Methods for the Sustainable Development of the Danube Region. Gorizia, 13rd - 22nd April 2013", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013, pp. 45-54.