Workgroup D. Artificial Green Floating Islands
Basha, Rozafa
Galànti, Júlia
Savi, Tadeja
Škorić, Marko
Tahir, Nuri Ali
Tošić, Marina
The project aims at reducing the gap between the Eastern and Western part of the Danube River, regarding
economic disparities and environmental problems. This gap can be reduced by introducing Artificial
Green Floating Islands in the Danube region, with the following objectives: improvement of water quality
using specific plants that purify the water to be used in agriculture, attraction of tourists to the less developed
countries to make a profit, opening of new jobs for young and inexperienced people, creation for the
local people of public places where they can get together and socialize. The introduction of the Artificial
Green Floating Islands would also change how people and countries of the area perceive the Danube
River turning it from a natural border into a centre for social interaction between different coastal states.
DIANET International School Proceedings 2013
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Rozafa Basha, Júlia Galànti, Tadeja Savi, Marko Škorić, Nuri Ali Tahir, Marina Tošić, "Workgroup D. Artificial Green Floating Islands" in Stefano Brumat, Diana Frausin (eds.) "DIAnet International School Proceedings 2013. Interdisciplinary Methods for the Sustainable Development of the Danube Region. Gorizia, 13rd - 22nd April 2013", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013, pp. 84-91.