Workgroup F. DeWOS (Danube Wellbeing Operation System)
The Development of a Decision Support System for Wellbeing in the Danube River Basin
Crupi, Valentina
Dima, Ştefana Maria
Galesic, Morena
Mihalca, Izabela Amalia
Palenčikovà, Zuzana
The aims of the project are to develop a decision-making support tool – DeWOS; and to establish a
permanent users network using a spin-off company, which will enable international cooperation and implementation
of the software. DeWOS will encompass all existing relevant data on factors affecting
wellbeing: environmental (water, air, soil, food quality and quantity), social-demographic (education,
prosperity, migration, tourism and mobility, health services, safety) and economic factors (employment,
industry, agriculture). The tool will provide a reliable valuation of the degree of wellbeing in the Danube
River Basin enabling policy makers (from the municipality to the national level) and other stakeholders
to assess the current wellbeing situation and simulate possible scenarios along with the feasibility and
impacts of possible interventions.
DIANET International School Proceedings 2013
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Valentina Crupi, Ştefana Maria Dima, Morena Galesic, Izabela Amalia Mihalca, Zuzana Palenčikovà, "Workgroup F. DeWOS (Danube Wellbeing Operation System)" in: Stefano Brumat, Diana Frausin (eds.) "DIAnet International School Proceedings 2013. Interdisciplinary Methods for the Sustainable Development of the Danube Region. Gorizia, 13rd - 22nd April 2013", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013, pp. 116-129.