La poesia del libro nella Tarda Antichità
Agosti, Gianfranco
This paper deals with some images of the book in late antique Greek poetry. First of all, I take into
account the complex relationship of Nonnus of Panopolis with the Homeric model, showing that the
Nonnian definition «Book of Homer» (instead of «Homer» or «Homeric poetry») is due to the new image
of Homer typical of Late Antiquity: Homeric poems were considered Sacred Books, both by pagans and
Christians authors, and their author was regarded as a holy man. In the multi-faceted imagery of book in
late antique literature, I focus on one aspect, not adequately explored, that is the book which becomes
object of poetic activity. Poetry on books and books preserving poetry are two sides of the same coin
underlying many variations: books as guardians of memory (for example, very frequently in the particular
genre of «Book epigrams»), the glory for those who preserve books and correct texts, books that contains
within themselves all the books. Finally, I briefly discuss the ideological project of Christian centos, poems based on the idea that the Book of Homer can be dismantled and reassembled in order to highlight the truth of Christian Faith.