Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2013) XV/2

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Monographica I - Cooperation in Nature, Science, and Society

Gustavo Cevolani

Guest Editor’s Preface

Jesús P. Zamora Bonilla

Cooperation, Competition, and the Contractarian View of Scientific Research

Gregor Betz, Michael Baurmann, Rainer Cramm

Is Epistemic Trust of Veritistic Value?

Ruggero Rangoni

Heterogeneous Strategy Learning in the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma

Matthias Greiff

Learning with whom to Interact: A Public Good Game on a Dynamic Network

Hannes Rush

What Niche Did Human Cooperativeness Evolve in

Arnold Eckhart

Simulation Models of the Evolution of Cooperation as Proofs of Logical Possibilities. How Useful Are They?

Monographica II - Potere e violenza nel pensiero di Günther Anders / Power and violence in Günther Anders' Thinking

Vallori Rasini

Guest Editor’s Preface

Babette Babich

Angels, the Space of Time, and Apocalyptic Blindness: On Günther Anders’ Endzeit–Endtime

Christian Dries

Technischer Totalitarismus: Macht, Herrschaft und Gewalt bei Günther Anders

Ubaldo Fadini

Anders e l'incompleto

Edouard Jolly

Entre légitime défense et état d’urgence: La pensée andersienne de l’agir politique contre la puissance nucléaire

Micaela Latini

La distruzione dell’amore. Esilio e letteratura

Francesco Miano

Günther Anders e la vergogna prometeica

Vallori Rasini

Il potere della violenza. Su alcune riflessioni di Günther Anders

Nicola Russo

Sopravvivenza e libertà: il dilemma impossibile


Riccardo Caporali

Il Trattato teologico-politico di Spinoza, tra filosofia e militanza (a partire da un recente volume di Steven Nadler)

Brunella Casalini

Disabilità, immaginazione e cittadinanza sessuale

Veronica Ceruti

L’attività intersoggettiva e la Cosa stessa nella Fenomenologia dello Spirito: due letture a confronto

Giorgio Maniaci

Teorie della coercizione, antipaternalismo e autonomia contrattuale

Pierpaolo Marrone

Structuring Dialogue

George Mousourakis

Human Fallibilism and Individual Self-Development in John Stuart Mill’s Theory of Liberty

Pee Gee Daniel

“Sometimes I think there’s naught beyond.” Ovvero: le influenze del Dizionario Storico-Critico di Pierre Bayle sul Moby Dick di Melville


Information on the Journal and Ethical Guidelines

Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics is an open access philosophical journal, being published only in an electronic format. The journal aims at promoting research and reflection, both historically and theoretically, in the field of moral and political philosophy, with no cultural preclusion or adhesion to any cultural current.

Contributions should be submitted in one of these languages: Italian, English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish. All essays should include an English abstract of max. 200 words. The editorial staff especially welcomes interdisciplinary contributions with special attention to the main trends in the world of practice. The journal has an anonymous double peer review referee system. Three issues per year are expected.

All products on this site are released with a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)

Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics position on publishing ethics. The Editors of E&P have taken every possible measure to ensure the quality of the material here published and, in particular, they guarantee that peer review at their journal is fair, unbiased and timely, and that all papers have been reviewed by unprejudiced and qualified reviewers. The publication of an article through a peer review process is intended as an essential feature of any serious scientific community. The decision to accept or reject a paper for publication is based on the paper’s relevance, originality and clarity, the study’s validity and its relevance to the mission of the journal. In order to guarantee the quality of the published papers, the Editors encourage reviewers to provide detailed comments to motivate their decisions. The comments will help the Editorial Board to decide the outcome of the paper, and will help to justify this decision to the author. If the paper is accepted with the request of revision, the comments should guide the author in making the revisions for the final manuscript. All material submitted to the journal remains confidential while under review. Once the author receives a positive answer, he/she should send the final version of the article since proofs will not be sent to him/her. E&P will publish the paper within twelve months from the moment of the acceptance, and the author will be informed of the publication. The journal is committed to such standards as originality in research papers, precise references in discussing other scholars’ positions, avoiding plagiarism. E&P takes these standards extremely seriously, because we think that they embody scientific method and are the mark of real scholarly communication.

Since Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics is devoted solely to scientific and academic quality, the journal does not have any submission charges.

Past issues with download and visitors statistics for each article are provided here:

Direzione / Editor

Riccardo Fanciullacci (Venezia)

Pierpaolo Marrone (Trieste)

Redazione / Editorial Board:

Elvio Baccarini (Rijeka)

Roberto Festa (Trieste)

Giovanni Giorgini (Bologna)

Edoardo Greblo (Trieste)

Fabio Polidori (Trieste)


Enrico Marchetto (Trieste)

Comitato Scientifico Nazionale / Italian Advisory Board:

A. AGNELLI † (Trieste), G. ALLINEY (Macerata), S. AMATO (Catania), M. ANZALONE (Napoli), D. ARDILLI (Modena), F. ARONADIO (Roma), G. AZZONI (Pavia), F. BACCHINI (Sassari), E. BERTI (Padova), M. BETTETINI (Milano), P. BETTINESCHI (Venezia), R. CAPORALI (Bologna), A.A. CASSI (Bergamo), G. CATAPANO (Padova), L. COVA (Trieste), S. CREMASCHI (Vercelli), G. CEVOLANI (Modena), U. CURI (Padova), G. DE ANNA (Udine), P. DONATELLI (Roma), P. DONINI (Milano), M. FARAGUNA (Trieste), M. FERRARIS (Torino), L. FLORIDI (Oxford), R. FREGA (Bologna), S. FUSELLI (Verona), C. GALLI (Bologna), R. GIOVAGNOLI (Roma), P. KOBAU (Torino), E. IRRERA (Bologna), E. LECALDANO (Roma), E. MANGANARO (Trieste), G. MANIACI (Palermo) R. MARTINELLI (Trieste), F.G. MENGA (Tübingen), R. MORDACCI (Milano), V. MORFINO (Milano), B. DE MORI (Padova), M. PAGANO (Vercelli), G. PELLEGRINO (Roma), V. RASINI (Modena-Reggio Emilia), M. REICHLIN (Milano), M. RENZO (Stirling), A. RIGOBELLO (Roma), P.A. ROVATTI (Trieste), A. RUSSO (Trieste), M. SBISÀ (Trieste), S. SEMPLICI (Roma), A. SCHIAVELLO (Palermo), A. SCIUMÈ (Bergamo), M. SGARBI (Venezia), F. TOTO (Roma), F. TRABATTONI (Milano), F. TRIFIRÒ (London), M.S. VACCAREZZA (Genova), C. VIGNA (Venezia), S. ZEPPI † (Trieste).

Comitato Scientifico Internazionale / International Advisory Board:

J J. ALLAN (New Zealand), K. BALLESTREM (Germany), T. Bedorf (Germany), G. BETZ (Germany), W. BLOCK (USA), M. BYRON (USA), S. CHAMBERS (Canada), J. COLEMAN (UK), C. COWLEY (Ireland), W. EDELGLASS (USA), C.L. GESHEKTER (USA), A. KALYVAS (USA), J. KELEMEN (Hungary), F. KLAMPFER (Slovenia), M. KNOLL (Turkey), C. ILLIES (Germany), D. INNERARITY (Spain), A. LEVER (Switzerland), H. LINDAHL (Netherlands), J. MARTI (Spain), M. MATULOVIC (Croatia), J. MCCORMICK (USA), N. MISCEVIC (Croatia), A. MOLES (Hungary), L. PAULSON (France), A. PRZYLESBSKI (Poland), J. QUONG (USA) V. RAKIC (Serbia), A. SCHAAP (UK), N. TARCOV (USA), D. WEBB (UK), J.P. ZAMORA BONILLA (Spain).

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Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 24
  • Publication
    “Sometimes I think there’s naught beyond.” Ovvero: le influenze del Dizionario Storico-Critico di Pierre Bayle sul Moby Dick di Melville
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013)
    Daniel, Pee Gee
    The aim of this essay is to show Bayle’s influence upon the Herman Melville’s “Moby Dick”, showing some aspects of their ideological affinity. A key example of themes directly inspired by Bayle is an untiring research for theodicy, as a plausible answer to the question “Why God allows Evil to exist?”, a question designed to know a dramatic failure in its different solutions.
      1025  860
  • Publication
    Human Fallibilism and Individual Self-Development in John Stuart Mill’s Theory of Liberty
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013)
    Mousourakis, George
    J. S. Mill regards individuality as the most fundamental of human interests – the principal condition of and main ingredient in self-development. But in addition to the individualist-functionalist element in Mill’s thought there is also a strong element of fallibilism derived from an empiricist view of the nature and possibilities of human knowledge. A corollary of Mill’s fallibilism is his conception of human nature as essentially open and incomplete. His doctrine of individuality and self-development, on the other hand, implies that the individual is definable by certain necessary and permanent characteristics. Following a discussion of the empiricist and fallibilist strain in Mill’s liberalism, the present paper offers an interpretation of Mill’s view that reconciles these two seemingly discordant elements in his understanding of man.
      1016  1505
  • Publication
    Structuring Dialogue
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013)
    Marrone, Pierpaolo
    In this paper I offer some observations on the liberalism of Ackerman and I interpret it as a mixed method of solution of the problems of rivalness of goods by means of a set of dialogical norms.
      821  466
  • Publication
    Teorie della coercizione, antipaternalismo e autonomia contrattuale
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013)
    Maniaci, Giorgio
    In this article, I will examine the relations between antipaternalism and coercion theories. According to antipaternalism over himself, over his body and mind, the individual is sovereign, but if his actions are rational and free of coercion. Secondly, I will clarify if the so called unconscionability doctrine about contract law is antipaternalistic or not.
      869  2407
  • Publication
    L’attività intersoggettiva e la Cosa stessa nella Fenomenologia dello Spirito: due letture a confronto
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013)
    Ceruti, Veronica
    The aim of this paper is to compare two different interpretations of the figure “the action of each and everyone” as put forth by Hegel in the Phenomenology of Spirit; in the passage of his work where this figure is described, the intersubjectity of the Spirit arises from the dynamics of human action. I will examine Herbert Marcuse’s and Jean Hyppolite’s understanding of this figure; the former’s is contained in Marcuse’s license work Hegel’s Ontology and the Foundation of a Theory of Historicity. In this work, Marcuse explains Hegel’s figure starting from the concept of life and from a heideggerian and an aristotelian perspective; he also appeals to the categories of possibility and reality; Hyppolite’s understanding of the Hegelian figure is exposed in the well-known commentary Genesis and structure of the Phenomenology of Spirit Hegels, and it appears to be existentialist in kind. Therefore, in my analysis I will compare these different understandings of the same figure, and I will sketch these authors’ philosophical theses and positions by explaining the points they share and the differences in their interpretations. For this reason elements crucial to my analysis will be the structure of action as a circle, the concept of individuality, the element of the light, the process of production of a work, the intersubjective dimension and the “thing itself” as one of the incarnations of the spirit.
      1205  1944