Slavica Tergestina 15 (2013)


SLAVICA TERgestina volumes usually focus on a particular theme or concept. Most of the articles published so far deal with the cultural realm of the Slavic world from the perspective of modern semiotic and cultural methodological approaches, but the journal remains open to other approaches and methodologies.

The theme of the upcoming volume along with detailed descriptions of the submission deadlines and the peer reviews process can be found on our website at All published articles are also available on-line, both on the journal website and in the University of Trieste web publication system at

SLAVICA TERgestina is indexed in The European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH).


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 10
  • Publication
    Slavica tergestina 15 (2013) - Slavia Islamica
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013)
    Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, del Linguaggio, dell’Interpretazione e della Traduzione
    Fachbereich Literaturwissenschaft
    Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za slavistiko
    Slavica Tergestina was founded in 1987 at the University of Trieste by scholars of the Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators (SSLMIT – Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori). After the introductory volume published in 1987, the journal appeared regularly beginning in 1994. Since then, eighteen volumes have been published, adding up to over 250 articles written by researchers from different countries (mostly Russian, Hungarian, Croatian, Serbian and Italian Slavic scholars). The volumes were reviewed in several scientific publications in Russia, Italy, Poland, Hungary and Slovenia. Some volumes focused on a monographic topic: Наследие Ю.М. Лотмана, 1996; Славянские языки и перевод, 1997; Художественный текст и его гео-культурные стратификации, 2000; Литературоведение XXI века. Письмо – Текст – Культура, 2002, Law & Literature, 2011; The Great Story, 2012; Slavia Islamica, 2013; The Yugoslav Partisan Art, 2016. Most of the articles published so far deal with the cultural realm of the Slavic world from the perspective of modern structuralist, semiotic and cultural methodological approaches, but the Journal Slavica TerGestina remains open to other approaches and methodologies.
      751  4962
  • Publication
    The Russian orthodox and Islamic languages in the Russian federation
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013)
    Bustanov, Alfrid K.
    Kemper, Michael
    What happens to the Russian language if it is used by Muslims? Bustanov and Kemper (2012) analyzed the use of Islamic terminology in a variety of texts by contemporary Muslim authors from several regions of the Russian Federation. This led them to the hypothesis that one can speak of a new „Islamo-Russian“ sociolect which comprises several variants (Arabism, Russianism, Academism). These findings are now discussed through comparison with Irina V. Bugaeva‘s research on an Christian Russian Orthodox „religiolect“ of the Russian language.
      1301  2404
  • Publication
    „…Per le distese di una baškira libera e selvaggia”: la questione tartaro-baškira nella prosa narrativa di Mirsaid Sultan-Galie
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013)
    Napoli, Claudio
    L‘articolo esamina la rappresentazione della condizione politica e civile dei tartaro-baškiri nella prosa narrativa di M. Sultan-Galiev. La comparsa del motivo „etnico“ come strumento di denuncia degli abusi zaristi e sovietici rientra in una precisa strategia politica rivolta alla creazione di uno stato autonomo tartaro-baškiro. Lo scopo perseguito da Sultan-Galiev riflette nella struttura tematica dei suoi racconti l‘influenza delle diverse ideologie che hanno segnato la vita dello scrittore tartaro: per i racconti giovanili del 1912–14 è caratteristico l‘influsso del riformismo djadidista di Gasprinskij, mentre V carstve goloda del 1921 presenta chiare suggestioni delle teorie anticolonialiste che Sultan-Galiev elabora al termine della sua vita politica in seno al partito comunista.
      1147  1229
  • Publication
    „Бог не уместится в книжке“ Orthodoxie, Islam und Tolstojs Poetik der Verfremdung
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013)
    Murašov, Jurij
    Unter einer mediologischen Perspektive bietet Šklovskijs Verfremdungspoetik auch die Möglichkeit Tolstojs eigentümliche Entwicklung zu begreifen, die von dem zunehmenden Anspruch bestimmt wird, das künstlerische Schreiben durch pädagogische Erzählungen und religiöse Traktate zu überwinden. Davon ausgehend untersucht der Artikel zunächst Tolstojs Religionskonzept und die darin formulierte Wertschätzung des Islam, die unter den Muslimen des russischen Imperiums eine solche Beachtung erlangt, dass sich die orthodoxe Geistliche Akademie in Kazan‘ veranlasst sieht, publizistisch tätig zu werden, um Tolstojs Dialog mit den Muslimen als ein die russische Kultur bedrohendes Missverständnis zu entlarven.
      800  769
  • Publication
    Medkulturnost v literaturi: položaj Islama v sodobnem Slovenskem romanu po letu 1991
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013)
    Potisk, Martina
    Članek obravnava motivno-tematske in jezikovno-slogovne vidike pojavljanja islama v sodobnih slovenskih romanih po letu 1991. Pri tem ugotavlja, da se glede na ubesedene vrednostne opredelitve do islamske družbe oziroma kulture izrisujeta dve romaneskni liniji. Presojanje islamskega Drugega se namreč v romanih nekaterih avtorjev (M. Novak, M. Tomšič, G. Babnik, B. Kolar) povezuje z izrazito negativno tematizacijo elementov iz afriško-arabskega prostora, medtem ko drugi avtorji (A. E. Skubic, M. Sosič, G. Vojnović, J. Snoj) postavljajo dogajanje v kontekst zgodovinskih izkušenj slovenskega naroda, ki služijo kot izhodišče za nevtralno opredeljevanje do muslimanske pojavnosti iz nekdanje večetnične jugoslovanske skupnosti.
      841  1551