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Muggia dal Patriarcato di Aquileia alla dedizione a Venezia
Cammarosano, Paolo
The Author offers a sketch of the political evolution of Muggia from its inclusion in the Patriarchate of Aquileia since the xth century. Only in the XIIIth century documents survive that let us know the institutional frame of the town and its demographic asset (about 200 families at the beginning of that century). Like the others towns ofltaly at this time, Muggia was governed by a Potestas and a City Council. In addition to Muggia's dependence from Aquileia Patriarchs, sort of a feudal subordination was due to the Republic of Venice. The urban and population development led to the foundation of a new church in 1263 (the Author consacrates a note on the chronological style used in Muggia, so to fully confirm this date), as well as to a distinction between castle and borough. Municipal Statutes, early composed in the XIIIth century, survive from the XIVth century onwards. The author sketches the continuous politica! balancing of Muggia between Aquileia Patriarchate and Venice, and stresses the internal divisions owed to such a situation. As the attemps by Commune of Trieste to overwhelm Muggia increased, and mainly since 1382, when Trieste entered in the powerful domain of the Duke of Austria, the Commune of Muggia was more and more biased to submit itself to Venice, through steps that were somewhat difficult and slow. Only in 1420 the Venetian sovereignity upon Muggia was completely established.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Paolo Cammarosano, “Muggia dal Patriarcato di Aquileia alla dedizione a Venezia” in: “Antichità Altoadriatiche LXXX (2014). Muggia e il suo Duomo a 750 anni dalla fondazione”, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2014, pp. 63-70