West & East. Rivista della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici. Monografie
Rivista della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologicidelle Università di Trieste, Udine, Venezia Ca’Foscari
1. Aims and scope
«West & East» is the organ of the Post-graduate Archaeological School of the Universities of Trieste, Udine and Venice Ca’ Foscari (SISBA). It is an on-line journal released once in a year, usually at the end of the year, on the digital platform OpenstarTs – EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste. «West & East» aims to promote studies and scientific research in every branch of Archaeology by disseminating in full Open Access significant pieces of scholarship concerning Mediterranean and Near-Eastern cultures and their reciprocal relationships from Prehistory to the Middle Ages.
2. Publishing policy
«West & East» publishes studies that critically discuss topics concerning art and archaeology of the above mentioned subject area and periods. Studies that involve the application of scientific disciplines (e.g. archaeometric analyses) are also welcome, as well as field reports, provided that they give a critical account of the achieved results. «West & East» does not publish, unless very special cases, bibliographic notes and reviews; popularizing papers; translations; essays with a predominant philosophical approach, even if concerning ancient and/or medieval artefacts.
3. Publishing ethics
Authors submitting manuscripts must sign an authorship declaration by which they agree upon and accept the standards of expected ethical behaviour as defined in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Best Practice Guidelines. These standards include primarily: 1) original scholarly contents; 2) fair and sound fashion in language; 3) abstention from plagiarism, self-plagiarism and text-recycling; 4) exhaustive references in discussing previous and contemporary scholarship. Authors must therefore prevent any business, academic or personal need from interfering with intellectual standards of their works. «West & East» considers these standards as an essential component of scholarly communication, thus reserves the right to reject any submission which does not meet them, even in case of favourable assessments by referees.
4. Submission, Peer-reviewing
Manuscripts must be submitted to the Editor or Editorial Secretary in one of these languages: English (best option), French, German and Italian. Other lnaguages may be accepted in some specific cases at Editor’s discretion. An English abstract of max. 200 words is required. «West & East» adopts an anonymous referee system by applying the "double-blind" peer-review procedure (reviewer and author remain mutually anonymous). Reviewers are chosen among qualified scholars who have the subject expertise required to carry out a proper assessment. They are listed on each issue masthead.
5. Copyright
All products in the journal are released with a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)